My lacy top makeover.
As an ex-costumer for film, I can’t help but be obsessed with my outfits for filming. I love shopping for them, altering them and choosing just the right accessories for them. My sister helps me, I plan way in advance and I drive my hubby nuts with my makeshift fashion shows.
I fell in love with this lacy tee with ruffled sleeves but the color was so WRONG for me! The price was $14.99, so that was perfect. I can’t stand spending big bucks on clothes for filming because they always get ruined with paint and Mod Podge. I guess ruined sounds harsh….lets just say they get enhanced with craft supplies. π
I had two options.
1. Return the shirt.
2. Dye the shirt.
As you can see, I whipped up a batch of hot water and wine colored RIT dye. I soaked a my pre-washed tee for about 20 minutes in the dye bath.
Then I rinsed her clean, washed in cold and hung dry. It turned out perfect!!! I was jumping for joy! My made-over tee and made it’s TV debut today. I wore it for the Kitschy Kitchen episode of Plaid Craft TV.
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Wow! It really turned out beautiful!!!
It looks GREAT!! You are very inspiring!!!
I also love the apron on the dress form!!!
I don’t have cable tv so I don’t get any craft networks or shows!! π
Sylvia, Our new show are going to be online! They roll out in Spring! Everyone will get to watch! π
P.s. I love my new shirt!
what are the effects in the washing machine when you wash it with normal clothing?
Hi, The tee washes fine in the machine. You just need to make sure the dye is completely out of the top. Also – wash in cold and I like to hang dry.
I can’t believe that’s the same shirt! Absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your tips and ideas. I am a new fan π