The snow peeps were a huge hit! To make them we used Plaid’s new Texture paint. I think of the paint more like a texture paste. Super safe and fun for kids…Non-toxic and made in the USA.
To make the snow peeps we rolled 2 different sized Styrofoam balls in 2-coats of the white texture paint. We connected the balls with a toothpick and a drop of glue and added a wood disk to the bottom to form a base.
For decorations we used buttons for eyes, toothpicks dipped in orange paint for noses, felt for scarves, painted bottle caps for hats, scrapbooking brads and rhinestones for buttons.
This project is great for kids of all ages.

Allison made a sweet snow peep.
Claudia from Paper Source made a snow owl 🙂
John from Plaid really impressed us with his mad felt skills.