We are sending out a message. Get crafting! A shipping-tag scrapbook makes for a unique way to hold on to cherished vacation memories. A caddy decorated with vintage stamps and labels helps keep all your supplies organized and wax sealing techniques give your letters a little extra personality. In the lounge, we are recycling water bottles into mailing vessels.
16 Large shipping tags
Grosgrain ribbon
Decorative ribbon – 1 yard
Heavy-duty paper glue – acid free
Family & Friends photos
Scrapbook Embellishments
Fun Papers
Pigment Inkpad
Funky Fibers (by Fiberscaps)
1. Rub the edges of all the shipping tags along the inkpad to create an antiqued edge.
2. Lay out 8 of the tags on your work surface and separate them about 1/2 inch. Glue the strip of grosgrain ribbon across the center of all 8 tags using a heavy-duty glue.
3. Glue the remaining 8 tags on top of the 8 tags with the ribbon. This creates a platform for decorating on both sides.
4. Creating the pages: Make each shipping tag into it’s own mini scrapbook page.
5. Tie funky fibers through the hole at top of each tag.

Vintage “Train case” suitcases
Large assortment of stamps
Mod Podge
Small Paint brush
Foam paintbrush
Large tag shaped punch
Medium stamp sized punch
Scrapbook paper
Letter Rubber Stamps
Ink Pad
Supplies:Plastic bottle with a secure screw top lid
Sticky address & return address labels
Ribbon curls and confetti
1. Fill the bottle with confetti and ribbon curls or anything that is light and fun. (Glitter pom-pom balls, sequins and small toys are great)
2. Roll the letter into a tight roll. Secure with a piece of ribbon (optional). Place in the bottle.
3. Secure the lid onto the bottle (use tape if necessary) and attach the address labels. Have the bottle weighed at the post office and attach the proper postage. Pop in the mail.