Having a party this holiday? You still have time to whip up so custom party invations. All you need is few sheets of scrapbook paper and some embellishments.
Begin by cutting a 5″X 5″ square of green paper. Next cut two smaller squares from the holiday printed paper. Use the picture as a size guide.
Next, glue a holiday themed journal tag and a small strip of green paper to the card. Hand write the details of the party on the tag
Cut a strip of mesh ribbon (or other ribbon) to fit down the side of the card overlapping the green strip.
Apply a thick coat of glue stick to the back of the ribbon and position on the card over the green strip.
Use a glue stick to attach 3 paper punched flowers to the card in a random pattern. Add a drop of gem glue to the centers of the flowers.
Love this Christmas party invite!