It’s been one of those weeks…..when life jumps up and bites you when you least expect it. Eddie and I are sad to say that we lost our beloved Max. He was 17 years old and he will be missed greatly. He was never really “sick”….he just started to shut down. We are on day two of healing and we are starting to feel a little better.
I’ll be taking a few days off and will be back soon.
xo Cathie
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So sorry. Pets become our furry four-legged children. I know you were grateful to have Max in your life, and Max was grateful to have you in his. Big hugs!
So sorry to hear that. I have 2 fuzz children and dread the day when they’re not with us any more. I’ll definitely be thinking of you over the next few days.
So very sorry for your furry loss. I lost my furbaby a few weeks ago too. I know what your dealing with and my heart goes out to you guys. Time does heal but those special ones can never be replaced.
still breaks my heart for poor Max. It took me over a YEAR to be able to talk about the loss of my dog when he died at age 12. I am crying for you and he isn’t even my dog…but I can imagine your pain.
He looks like a true sweetie….Sorry for your loss. One day you will find it in your heart to welcome another furry friend into your lives.
So sorry for your loss, pets are such a gift with their unconditional love. I still get teary eyed when I think of our sweet dog we lost this past summer. Wishing you comfort.
So sorry for you loss. I remember seeing Max on some of your Creative Juice episodes. Such a cutie. My four pets are the love of my life ( other than the hubby). I can’t imagine the pain you are going through. Keeping you and Eddie in our thoughts and prayers.
So sorry about the passing of your sweet dog Max. I know my fur babies mean the world to me and it is truly like losing a member of the family when one passes. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that you are able to find some peace soon,
Cathie, I’m so sorry for your loss. Our pets truly become members of our family. Mine adopted our Max almost 2 years ago from our local Humane Society and he quickly found his way into our hearts. Allow yourselves the permission to feel and work your way through, and you will know when it’s time to be pet parents to another four-legged baby. Wishing you both all of the best.
Cathie, i feel so sorry for your loss! To me my pets are like family members, like my babies, and losing one of them is such an incredible painful experience. Keeping you in my prayers!