Talk about a monster mash! More like a Gallery Glass Mash! This Gallery Glass project was designed for Plaid. You can use enamel FolkArt paints for a permanent look or for a removable look, use Gallery Glass.
Gallery Glass Window Color™ – Fresh Lime
Large frame (from Ikea)
Frankie template
Sewing pin
1. Use a photocopier to blow up the Frankie template to the desired size for your frame.
2. Remove the glass from the frame and place it over the Frankie template. Apply the Gallery Glass to the glass flowing the lines of the template, fill in the design. Pop any air bubbles with a pin. Allow to dry overnight.
3. Apply a backing paper to the back of the frame.
4. Once everything is dry, reassemble the frame with the Gallery Glass design on the outside.
5. Once the Halloween is over, you can peel off the Gallery Glass and make a new design.
LOVE it! I could see a new one of these on my mantle each season!