Father’s Day is just around the corner – don’t wait to make Dad something special. You still have time to whip up a handmade gift for your Pop, Grandpa or Hubby. Have a peek at the projects below – they are all from our TV show Creative Juice or Plaid. Follow the links for step-by-step instructions and have a Happy Father’s Day!

Rustic Plaque for Grandpa designed for Plaid
Hex Nut Coasters from Creative Juice
Painted and Stitched Shirt designed for Plaid

(Visited 237 times, 1 visits today)
I love the etched wine glasses!
Thanks also for the waxed paper template technique. Can’t wait to try that!
I love the laptop case, but is it strange that I want it for myself?
they’re great! thanks for the advice. You may also want to try Fathers Day Discounted Suits. It goes well with the painted and stitch shirt as well as the trophy dad tie.
Thanks for the advice. You can also check Fathers Day Discounted Suits. Its
also a great gift idea for dads out there this coming Fathers day.Too cute, great advice.
OMG! This is awesome.
Wow!! This is ideal if you plan to present these glasses as a gift. Most Stemless Wine Glasses are made of a heavier lead free crystal and the short flared base gives them even more stability while providing an easy gripping point.. I will surely refr this blog to all my friends who like drink wine. It is a great blog indeed. thank you for shearing your post.
I appreciate the labour you have put in developing this blog. Nice and informative.
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wow..nice site..