I love a good mummy project for Halloween and this easy to make mummy pumpkin is perfect for kids to make. This design is also GLOW-IN-THE-DARK! So get ready for some messy craft fun with Mod Podge, cheesecloth, foam pumpkins and Super Glow.
Faux pumpkin
Mods Podge
Super Glow
Sponge brush
Cheese Cloth
Craft glue
Google eyes – large
Cheesecloth – 3 yards
Large plastic bowl
Plastic dropcloth
How to!
- Glue the two google eyes to the pumpkin where you would normally carve eyes.
- Cut 3-yards of cheesecloth into random sized stripes. In a large bowl, saturate the strips in the Mod Podge.
- Begin wrapping the strips around the pumpkin and in a random pattern till the entire pumpkin is covered. Be sure to keep the cheesecloth off the eyes. Tuck in any ends as needed.
- Place on a plastic drop-cloth. Allow the pumpkin to dry for at least 24 hours. Depending on how thick the cheesecloth is it might need a little longer.
- Apply two coats of Super Glow, allowing each coat to dry between applications.
Tip: Make an antique mummy pumpkin by dry brushing silver or grey paint over the pumpkin.
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