Feb 5, 1918 – June 9, 2009
My grandfather, Oran Bush, married her on October 3rd in 1936 – the same year she graduated from Warren High School, she was only 18 years old. They made a modest living of $100 the first year they were married.
I have so many stories about grandma and grandpa – I would not even know where to begin. I can tell you they loved to play dominoes, they used camphophenic as a cure all and I once saw my grandma wash a mouth out with soap and water.
This is where my dad grew up. The house was much smaller back in the day – this is with the extension.

Old equipment waiting to be used again.
Grandpa’s old truck – still in the garage.
This is were grandpa would take us for shooting pratice. He was not really a hunter, more of a fisherman, so we mostly shot at coke and coffee cans. This is a tradition that still holds strong at my dad’s farm. Even my “city boy” husband fired a few rounds at a can or two.
Cathie! Wow, thanks for that peek into your world. Your grammie was a very special lady. I’m glad she was able to share that much of her life with you before she passed!!!
What a wonderful story. My dad was from West Virginia,I spent my summers (august!) there on my grandparents farm. Your story reminded me of my warm memories. Your grandma( & Grandpa) lived a happy life…full of love and family.
I am truly sorry for your lost.
What a lovely tribute. Nicely done. Thanks, Hon.
Love, Judy
What a great story sissy. They were both pretty special huh? I’m glad other people can see that now too.
Love, Erin
Thank you.
my condolences to you and your family..what a lovely tribute to an obviously very loved woman.Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos and memories!! brought back memories of my grandmothers..i never new my grandfathers,,they were in heaven before i was born..but i know them through stories and pictures.
Such a loving remembrance of a wonderful woman. Life is simply a love story and the memories of loving times will be with you the rest of your life. How blessed we are to have special people in our lives, your grandmother was very special. Thank you for sharing your love, your heart and the grandmother you cherished.
Warmly yours,
What a great tribute to not only your Grandma, but your Grandpa and your Oklahoma roots. Thanks for sharing and I am sorry for your loss.
What a lovely trip down memory lane and tribute to your grandma. Thanks for sharing. It sounds like she was a very special lady. I’m sorry for your loss.
What a wonderful visual story of your grandmother and family!
Cathie, I’m sorry for your loss and so happy to know that you have so many great memories.
so sorry about your grandma, thanks for sharing these fun memories and pictures with us. Reminded me of my grandma and time spent on her farm out in East Texas.
Oh sweetie, I’m sorry to hear about your grandma’s passing. But I feel like I almost know her from your wonderful pictorial of your memories. My parents and family were from Oklahoma and Kansas and so many of the memories you relayed as so close to my own. Hugs!