Whip up a Halloween Charm Bracelet in no time with the help of Mod Podge, Podgeables and Dimensional magic. You can get Podgeable shapes at Amazon. The scrapbook paper I used is from My Mind’s Eye and from the Mod Podge Halloween papers. The beads were just a random selection from my stash. The bat and skull cabochons are from my supply shop and the pumpkin embellishment is from Jolee’s Boutique.
Here is how we made it!
First you cut a piece of paper to fit the top of the Podgeable shape.
This is what the Podgeables look like….. you get 18 per pack!
Apply the paper to the Podgeable shape with Mod Podge.
Top-coat with a layer of Mod Podge and glue rhinestones to the design.
Glue cabochons or other 3-d embellishments to the shapes.
Make sure all your glue is dried for a couple of hours before you do the Dimensional Magic.
Top-coat the entire Podgeable charm with Dimensional Magic. Begin around the outer edges and fill in.
You can go over the gems or around them.
Allow to dry in a non-drafty place for about 4 hours.
If you get an air bubble just pop it with a sewing pin.
Attach them to a charm bracelet with jump-rings.
Make beaded dangles with headpins and Halloween colored beads.
The bat charm!
The pumpkin charm!
The Victorian skull charm!
The skull charm!
The skulls are from my supply shop and the large charms are made with Podgeables from Michaels.
I’m always happy to see new ideas for Halloween anything – jewelry decorations treats… this fits the bill perfectly.
Btw Cathie is there ever going to be reason to hope that Creative Juice might some day come out on dvd? Or at least download episodes from Amazon? (Pretty please?)
I Love Jewelry because it is really cool
charm bracelet