Isn’t my sister lucky to have me as a big sister….. LOL! She was shopping (with no luck) for Halloween Hand Soaps for her guest bathroom. She has a big Halloween party every year and she really wanted some halloween decorative soaps. So I said, “I’ll make you some!” and the mini tombstone soaps are in the books and on the blog.

I used Goats Milk Soap Base for the Halloween Hand Soaps.

Soap base can easily be cut with a kitchen knife.

4 Cubes of Goats Milk soap base filled 1 wilton tray.

Melt the soap base as per the package instructions. For this soap it was 30 seconds in the microwave for the 4 cubes.

Stir to make sure it is all melted.

Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. I used lavender.

I used a few drop of red and blue soap dye to create a tombstone grey color.

Stir to combine the colors and essential oil.

Love the way this color turned out.

We used this tombstone mold from Wilton. It is really for candy.

Pour into the mold. Tap the mold to fill the details.

Allow the soaps top cool and cure for about 40 min. Then just pop out.

I lOVE how they turned out and my sister LOVES them too!

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