Glittered Halloween Glasses
Glittering glass and stemware is super easy with dishwasher safe Mod Podge. This set is a collection from thrift shop and dollar store glasses. All the glitter was stuff that was on hand in my craft room. I love the mixed colors and styles.
Glittered Glasses How To
Glasses, Rubbing alcohol, Paper towel, Blue painters tape, Flat bristle paintbrush, Mod Podge Dishwasher Safe, Spouncer Paintbrush, Glitter
For all glasses: Clean your glasses with rubbing alcohol. Tape off the top edge of the glass blue painters tape.
For striped glasses:
Apply painters tape in random places around the glass.
Apply a coat of Mod Podge Dishwasher Safe to the glass in between the taped areas. Sprinkle glitter over the Mod Podged areas. Remove the tape before drying. Top-coat the glitter with Dishwasher Safe Mod Podge.
For dotted glasses:
Dip a sponcer into Dishwasher safe Mod Podge. Tap onto the glass and sprinkle glitter over the Mod Podge. Top-coat the glitter with Dishwasher Safe Mod Podge.
Cure for 28 days. Top-rack dishwasher safe.
PROJECT TIP: Get started early! This project has a 28 day cure time but it’s worth the wait!