Orlando Friends,
I’ll be at The Southern Women’s Show this weekend! It is going to be a blast and lots of creative people will be there too!
Each day, I will be giving away TWO jumbo prizes of Mod Podge, Martha Stewart Paints and of course Hot Glue Gun Helpers! Both days I’ll be doing “make and takes”and Q&A. If you are in the area, pop by to say hi and get crafty.
I’ll be doing “make and takes” at the Where Women Create stage.
Saturday – 6:00 pm – Ornament Making with Folkart Metallic Paints
Sunday – 3:00pm – Recycled Game Piece Jewelry with Mod Podge
The scoop:
Orlando Convention Center
9400 Universal Boulevard
North Concourse – Hall B
Orlando, FL 32819
$10 at the door
Sat 10am – 7pm
Sun 10am – 5pm
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