Chip Can Rocket Ship
potato chip can
Folkart silver craft paint
construction paper
glue stick
rubber band
small scraps of paper
glitter paint
corrugated paper
Folkart silver craft paint
1. Glue construction paper around the can; hold the paper in place with rubber bands until dry.
2. Add an oval window, star details and glitter.
3. Cut a half circle out of construction paper, slit halfway up from the flat edge, twist together to form a cone and glue in place.
4. Cut a paper towel roll in half, cover with construction paper and glue to the body of the rocket.
5. Add cut triangles of corrugated paper for fins. Paint them silver, let the paint dry and attach them to the rocket.
6. To make the rocket zoom across a room, cut a drinking straw in half and attach with hot glue to the center body of the rocket. Thread monofilament through the straw and run the line across the room. Pull the rocket to one end of the room and push across the room.
This is such a great craft project.
m ^..^
Great idea! My boys will LOVE this!
That is so cute! Looks like you have lots of great ideas here. I’m going to take a look around.
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