Make it: Chalkboard Globe
FolkArt ® Chalkboard Paint – Slate Gray, 8 oz.
1 Globe
Foam Paintbrush
Damp Rag
Soft Chalk
Letter Stickers
1. Clean the globe with a damp rag and allow to dry. Add 3 coats of chalkboard paint. Allow 2 hours in between coats for dry time.
2. After 24 hours, rub the entire chalkboard surface with a piece of chalk to season the surface. Now you are ready to write on your chalkboard globe. Add personalization to the base with letter stickers.
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FYI, I just mentioned/linked to this project in my blog post about Geography Awareness Week. These used to be used in schools to teach geography!
so smart! thanks!
Cool –I have all the stuff at home to do this!!!