Creative Juice on DIY Network.
3 tbsp. beeswax pellets
2 tbsp. regular cocoa butter
3 tbsp. shea butter
2 tbsp. sweet almond oil
2 tbsp. calendula oil
¼ tsp. vitamin E acetate
soap bar mold
glass measuring cup
small saucepan
popsicle stick for stirring
optional – essential oils
1. Mix ingredients together in a very clean glass measuring cup. To create a double-boiler, place the cup in a large pot filled with enough water to come half-way up the height of the cup.
2. Heat the mixture on medium heat, stirring until all ingredients (except essential oils) are blended together.
3. Remove from heat and add, if desired, several drops of essential oil for fragrance.
4. Pour into a mold and let cool for approximately 30 minutes before popping the bar out of the mold.
5. To package as a gift, wrap in a cello bag and tie or staple a handmade gift tag, silk flower or decorative ribbon to the package.
Where does one find these ingredients to make the lotion bar?
I love http://www.thesage.com/ for beauty supplies. The quality is the best and they have the lowest prices. They also have tons of ideas on their website. Have fun making these – you will love them.
How do you use it?
Do you use it like soap and wet and rub over hands or do you just rub it over dry?
When you rub the lotion bar between your hands, your body temperature melts a small amount and the natural plant oils are quickly absorbed to leave your skin feeling soft and silky.
To use: Remove lotion bar from tin or plastic bag.
Hold the bar in your hands until it begins to soften from the heat of your body.
Then rub on your hands, feet, knees, elbows, or wherever extra moisture is needed.
You can also rub the lotion bar directly on very dry areas like heels, knees and elbows!
Apply a light layer on the skin and let it sit. It may feel a bit “greasy” at first, but the natural ingredients will quickly be absorbed and your skin will feel soft, smooth and protected.
At bedtime rub the bar into those dry, cracked areas like heels, elbows, knees, cuticles, finger tips, and even your lips, allowing the skin to absorb the moisturizing ingredients overnight.
Throw it in your purse, pocket, drawer, glove box, or tool box. A little goes a long way!
I love lotion bars. I need to make more. Thanks for the reminder!
Great recipe! I’ve never had a lotion bar, I’m thinking of trying this one out! Also, your melting method is not a double boiler…the method you used is bain marie. A double boiler’s top pan/bowl should never touch the water. Bain Marie method is when you melt something in a container partially submerged in simmering water.
Can I make this in a loaf pan and cut into bars? Thinking it’s a great teachers gift for the holidays!!
Yes, you can make it as a loaf and just slice it. The cooling time is longer so give it plenty of time. 🙂
Thanks, Cathie
I just discovered you and Steve P. tonight watching the Michael’s Cyber Monday videos. What fun! Wish I would have found you before. I have never heard of a lotion bar before, but I hope I can find everything to try and make some. I can see where these would be so handy, especially living in the cold and snowy north (MN) 🙂 What is vitamin E acetate? Thanks for the recipe and instructions.
Renie in MN.
Can scents be added?
Sure you can add essential oils. 🙂
A great idea for that little gift you want to give to someone when you have no money !!!! 🙂
Moisturizing Mist