I have always ordered my soap supplies from MMS because the “craft stores” usually don’t stock very many soap/lotion making supplies or real oils. I was surprised when I stumbled upon a new item at Michaels so I thought I would give it a test run. It is a melt and pour Goats Milk soap from Lilly of the Party.
I love Goats Milk soap and have I splurged on zum bars from Whole Foods. They are about $4 for a small bar! Worth every penny – especially if you go to the Pasadena Whole Foods. It is like a mall – huge cosmetics area! I get lost for hours.
The MP soap base was $9.99 and no I did not have my Michaels coupon! We made 9 good sized bars of soap. Over all the base was wonderful…Very smooth, bubbly and great on the skin.

10 sec. intervals. 6 cubes took 50 sec. in my low watt microwave

We made each bar a different scent.
Only add a few drops to each bar.
For peppermint and eucalyptus only add 1 drop.

Combinations we made:
Geranium/Green Tea
Green Tea/Lavender
Chammomille/Lavender/Green Tea
Peppermint /Lavender

We made one bar with oatmeal.
Just place a palmful of oatmeal into the mold
(just after pouring) stir to combine and let cool as normal.
other dry ingredients you could add:
Rose Petals
Dried Lemon Grass
Dried Flowers
Dried Orange Peel
Crushed Azuki Beans
Dried Tea
Try using a half tablespoon of blue cornmeal. It makes the bar an slight exfolliant and (I’m sooo shallow) it turns the soap a really pretty lavendar color.
What a great idea… I’ll give that a try.
Thanks soooooo much! I love your ideas.
I love your show,you have uninspired me in so many ways. Thank you.
being the daughter of a plumber, i am always thinking about what goes down and clogs our drains. i blend the oatmeal, before putting it in the soap. it is less clogging in the pipes and is still great on the skin.