Old jars get painted and podged to make festive candle holders.
What you need:
FolkArt Acrylic Paint – Brilliant Blue
Recycled Jar
Alcohol & Paper towel
Medium paintbrush
FolkArt Enamels – Calypso
FolkArt Enamels – Flow Medium
Old book pages
Mod Podge Gloss
Wood stars
Hot glue
Hot Glue Gun Helpers
What you do:
Remove the label from the jar. Wipe the jar clean with rubbing alcohol. Blend equal parts of calypso sky and flow medium. Paint the jar with the mixture. Allow to dry and paint a second coat.
Cut random sized stars from old book pages. Working on the outside of the jar, apply a coat of Mod Podge to the jar, position the stars onto the jar, top-coat with a layer of Mod Podge. Add stars until the jar is covered. Allow to dry.
Paint a star with brilliant blue paint. Using hot glue attach a ribbon around the jar and glue stars to the ribbon.
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What a cute idea! I have multiple copies of the constitution/declaration of independence that I acquired during law school. I’m gonna cut ’em up to use for my stars!!