Steve and I headed out last week to Atlanta… aka Hotlanta! We were so excited because we were doing an in-store appearance to celebrate the new Michaels Rewards Program. (This program rules!!! – should be nation wide in Spring 2012). The video from our live streaming should be archived here in the near future.
Day 1: Arrived at Plaid! We had a busy day of meetings! Planning lots of new and exciting products and craft ideas.
Next Stop was dinner! I had the fish tacos and they were delish! Denice had the taco salad….I had to snap a pic cause it was so awesome!
Amy (Mod Podge Rocks) and I are showing off our make-up. I love our tops together. 🙂
There is sweet Jo for Michaels. I heart her! So much fun and soooooo creative.
This little cutie was so talented. She made each project and was so cute! Only 4 years old!
She was so sweet and crafty! and she had a Hello Kitty necklace……
Crafter, Recycler and Facebook Friend Betty came to see us and we were so thrilled. Ya know when you chat with someone online and you finally get to see them in real life. So fun and we are so grateful….she traveled 2 hours to attend! BTW – her hubby was waiting in the wings. Good GUY!
Back home and look what hubby set up in the kitchen. Feeling pretty lucky!
Oh wow such great projects….. You really need to come to my Michaels in Panama City Beach FL…… that would be sooooo fun.