prepping and chopping.
hoping you will call.
feeling silly about hope.
prepping a meal.
table set.
family laughing.
stories shared.
vino poured.
cream whipped.
still no call.
We miss you.
(Visited 163 times, 1 visits today)
CATHIE FILIAN's Handmade Happy Hour
Crafty Mom - Mess Maker - Content Creator
· by: Cathie Filian
prepping and chopping.
hoping you will call.
feeling silly about hope.
prepping a meal.
table set.
family laughing.
stories shared.
vino poured.
cream whipped.
still no call.
We miss you.
Kids Craft: Stuffed Plushie Turkeys…
Thanksgiving Pumpkin Place-card Holders These…
sew cute, inspired, happy and…
Welcome guests to your home…
Today is our 9 year…
Praying for you.
Carrying you in my thoughts.
Thanks so much. Holidays are so hard when you have a missing loveed one. The unanswered questions are the hardest and the more time that passes….the harder it becomes.
Ther is always that hole in the closely knit family. Always a chair that is never quite empty but is. And laughter and stories we still hear in our hearts. <3