Photo by Amy Anderson of Mod Podge Rocks
(The original bottles)
This past week, Steve and I were honored to be included in the Mod Podge celebration in Atlanta. Mod Podge turned 45 years old and we launched a new line for Mod Podge. We went all out to celebrate. Our friend Amy Anderson joined in the fun… can read her recap of the event here. The queen of crafts and Michaels designer, JoAnn Pearson joined in the fun and drum roll…….Jan Wetstone the inventor of Mod Podge made an appearance. It was so amazing to meet her!!
Meet Jan Wetstone!! She invented America’s most beloved decoupage glue!
The Mod Podge birthday cake!
Mod Podge does ROCK (and so does Amy)
A special moment…
50 Michaels Rewards members were invited to come and craft for the day. We had four stations with “make and takes” going on. All with out new Mod Podge design elements.
Meet Connie….she is the brand manager for Mod Podge and our hero!!!!
Thanks for stopping by! XO
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Podgeables for Mod Podge are in stock at all Michaels Craft Stores
Learn more about our line for Mod Podge here
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I am so JEALOUS! I am a Podging addict, I can’t get enough of the stuff and to have met the inventor of it…WOW!Looks like you had a great day!
xx P xx