I love using maps in crafts and home decorating. It’s something about going places and places I lived or have been. So for this project we decided to combine pallets, maps and string art! Of and Mod Podge too…. LOL. Watch the how to!

Materials: Mini Wood Pallet, Mod Podge Map, Scissors, Ruler, Paintbrush, Small paper heart, Pen, Small nails, Red string

1. Trim the map so that it will fit onto each slat of a mini pallet. Make sure your hometown is centered on a slat.

2. Apply a thin coat of Mod Podge to each wood slat and to the back of the cut map paper. Position the papers onto the slats. Smooth with your fingers to remove any air-bubbles. Wait 15 minutes and apply a top-coat of Mod Podge.

3. Make a small heart template. Make sure it will fit on the slat with extra room around it.4. Nail around the edge of the template with small nails. Remove the template. Tie the string to one nail and begin to wrap the string around the nails. When the heart is filled in tie off the end around a nail.