Springtime in Los Angeles is magnificent, especially so in my neighborhood. Our home is nestled at the base of Griffith Park in the equestrian district. It is the time of the year when the blooms are beginning to burst, the horses are out in full trout, and my allergies go haywire!
My side garden
I have a love/hate relationship with spring. It can be a tough time of the year for an avid gardener with a history of asthma and seasonal allergies (and the horse hay does not help.)
When I got the opportunity to test out a new product called Similasan Nasal Allergy Relief I was skeptically happy. I agreed to give it a shot and was soon sent some to try out.
I was excited that Similasan is one of the only medicated, preservative free nasal decongestants for nasal allergies available. I was concerned that it would not work on me in my neighborhood.
blooming out front
This is a homeopathic nasal mist for allergy relief. It stimulates the bodyís natural ability to relieve symptoms associated with nasal allergies. I guess that means with 3 puffs (I call them puffs) I will be relieved of my runny nose, itchy nose, congestion, and drippy nose…sounds gross, and if it works sounds like a miracle.
In the past I have suffered though this season without trying a mist because I had a friend who got addicted to one once, and she used it even when she did not have allergies. She had to wean herself from it. I really liked that this brand is non-habit forming….so to me that seems safer. Plus it is cleared for infant use!!
I did a test for 3 days. The first day I took Max on a walk at the park without using the mist. On the way to the park I could begin to feel my allergies flare up. My nose twitched, and my eyes got watery. Max just kept skipping along. Back home, about an hour later, I was sneezing and had a runny nose.
The second day, I went on a walk at the same time and place. I could feel my allergies starting to flare so I tried the mist. It was a cool blast. I felt sort of silly doing it in the street but was pleasantly happy as my symptoms started to fade. Back home I did not get the normal sneezing fit.
The third day, Max was getting tired of the same walk, but we did it anyway for the sake of the test. This day I used the mist at home before the walk. As I approached my trigger area, to my surprise I did not feel the normal sensation in my eyes and nose, and I did not sneeze at all. I was shocked…it worked!
I will defiantly keep this tucked into my purse for allergy season – for me that is Spring and Fall.
If you want to try this, look for it at Walgreens and at online retailers as well. Similasan has a whole slew of natural products. Similasan products are all made to the highest quality standards in Switzerland and all use only 100% Natural active Ingredients. Sounds good to Max and me. Two thumbs up!!
To celebrate SPRING we have a giveaway for a $100 Visa Gift Card!!!
Leave a comment telling me how you prepare for the Spring season?
Tell me about it in the comments for the chance to win a $100 Visa gift card!
Rules: No duplicate comments. This sweepstakes runs from 4/16/12 – 5/13/12. You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods: a) Leave a comment (see question above in bold) b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post d) For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.
This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected. The Official Rules are available here. Also, check out the Similasan page on BlogHer.com for more blogger reviews and chances to win!
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Allergies are worse than ever this year…I guess it can’t hurt to try this. Something has to work, right?
Glad this worked for you! I’ve been somewhat lucky this year. Since spring came in Jan here in NC, I had a miserable time in Jan- itchy eyes, contacts out, etc. However, when everyone else had it REALLY bad in Mar, I really didn’t have any issues. Weird. Preparing for spring- mostly just trying to clean up and out. Get the junk out, get ready for either Goodwilling and/or yardsale, etc.
Excellent review. I prepare for spring by packing my bags and flying back to the northeast from a warmer climate. I’m not too bothered with allergies, however, I am very pleased to see an all natural product on the market at long last. Thanks for sharing with this great review!
I’ll have to try that! Preparing for spring: stocking up on kleenex, zyrtec, etc–not so fun. Fun is getting garden ready to go, new plants, outside spaces and clean windows!
Sounds like a great product! Thanks for the info. I suffer from allergies and spring is always a challenge. I have my Claritin at the ready and try to keep the house clean and pollen free!
i prepare for spring by putting away winter clothes and stocking up on allergy medication
pokergrl8 at gmail.com
pokergrl8 at gmail.com
I prepare for spring by cleaning out closet and making an appointment with the allergist.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I prepare for spring by planting herbs and veggies in my garden
I prepare by cleaning the carpets and closets.
dealsfan32 at gmail dot com
dealsfan32 at gmail dot com
we prepare by cleaning out all our closets and shoes and donating all our last seasons’ stuff!
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
nothing in particular
I pull weeds
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/kj20082006/status/192666840651137024
I prepare for Spring by stocking up on Kleenex and getting my neti pot out.
My allergies this year are worse than ever. I usually make sure I have kleenex and lots of meds…this year, nothing is working….
i do spring cleaning
I prepare the Spring Season by a major Spring cleaning around the house! Gotta get rid of the dusts and junks. 🙂
amy [at] utry [dot] it
I tweeted about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/uTry_it/status/193850156863594497
Love Similasan products! I prepare for Spring by airing out my house. I open all the windows, turn on the ceiling fans and get the stale air out. Then clean my window sills and start dreaming about my vegetable garden!
suzyalbert at Gmail
I just discovered Similisan at our Whole foods. It’s a nice gentile product and works well.
I don’t know how to get the URL for my tweet so, here what I was able to get. https://twitter.com/#!/GirlInCrowd
2ND ENTRY TWEET https://twitter.com/#!/kytah00/status/194187741821534209
I get ready for spring by cleaning the whole house.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
Since spring only lasts about five minutes in the South, there’s not much to get ready for. But I can tell the extreme shifts in temperature really do a number on my sinuses! I have been using a saline inhaler to see if that will help. Too early to tell, but I like “natural” remedies instead of …er… “unnatural” ones. So I’d definitely be willing to give Similasan a try!
My husband has bad allergies and this is “snot-season”. I prepare by washing out the filter in our bedroom window air conditioner since it’s been in the attic all winter and vacuuming under the bed in our room. I also take down the blinds and valances and wash them. I think it helps him if the room isn’t dusty. It’s also time to change out our drawers to and put away sweaters and bring out the shorts. Oh, and I stock a fresh box of tissues next to his side of the bed!
shel704 at aol dot com
shel704 at aol dot com
I use a saline nasal spray and clean the house.
I prepare for spring by deep cleaning the house.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I prepare for spring by cleaning out the yard and my closets
I get ready for spring by stocking up on tissue and cleaning my house of dust.
We get the air purifier out of storage to prepare for spring. It helps a lot with my allergies.
tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/KerryBishop/status/198234774228312065
I make sure I have lots of allergy medicine and kleenex around
I prepare by getting my doctor and dentists appointments done and sow seeds in the garden. Thanks for the giveaway.
songyueyu at gmail
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/syytta/status/199326210281582592
songyueyu at gmail
we have prescriptions for our allergies since their severe and renew each spring
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I get out my Neti Pot to prepare for spring allergies
I prepare for spring by planting flowers and cleaning house 🙂
Tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/LAMusing/status/199734339192365056
I prepare for spring season by deep cleaning my house
ajoy1332 at yahoo dot com
ajoy1332 at yahoo dot com
i prepare by deep cleaning! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
https://twitter.com/#!/DesMoinesDealin/status/200055554318680065 scg00387 at yahoo dot com
I start by doing whole house clean starting with the vents and the air purifier!
tuesdayef at aol dot com
I start plants from seed to prepare for Spring. I love my garden 🙂
dmarie824 at aol dot com
I prepare for Spring by walking around the lake every day to watch the changes. I love Spring.
Thanks for the contest.
blogged: http://slehan.blogspot.com/2012/05/win-100-visa-gc-from-blogher-and.html
I prepare for spring by being sure that I have plenty of “tears” eye drops. I don’t usually get nasal allergy symptoms, but my eyes make me NUTS! On a fun note, I also start shopping for veggie seeds and flower seeds for the spring/summer growing season!
14earth at gmail dot com
I tweeted here: https://twitter.com/#!/MsTofuFairy/status/200571967143813121
14earth at gmail dot com
My favorite thing – What I get so excited to do all winter – to prepare for spring is to start my seeds for plants for my garden. I have a great set up in my basement and I’ve got a quite a green thumb and can start almost anything from seed to plant. I start upwards of 250 plants from seed each spring and I love to watch them sprout and grow. They are like my babies.
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com
We get ready for spring by stocking up on our allergy meds!
Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com
We get ready for spring by cleaning our house from top to bottom.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I do a lot of gardening in Spring especially vegetables. I have to take some kind of allergy med year round but in Spring and most of the Summer I have to take a higher dose.
@chrisdeglen Tweeted –
To get ready for spring,I start cleaning out the garage-too much stuff gets stored in there.Plus we prepare the ground for our garden thanks aunteegem@yahoo.com
To get ready for spring,I start cleaning out the garage-too much stuff gets stored in there.Plus we prepare the ground for our garden thanks aunteegem@yahoo.com
I’m fairly lucky I guess. I have allergies but they aren’t major. However they are year round. I haven’t found out exactly what they are but I suspect the cats and ordinary things like dust. Like I can really avoid that! I’m glad to see a natural solution for allergies and I’m going to pick some up. So while I’m doing my spring cleaning maybe the dust won’t win.
Tweet – https://twitter.com/#!/willitara/status/201382820864737281
I am also doing a lot of Spring cleaning/decluttering. Stowing away all of our cold weather clothing that takes up so much room. Cleaning all the windows and mini-blinds so the sun shines in.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I get my flower beds ready and I clean out the attic and kids closets to have a garage sale.
Tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/chipdip2010/status/201464701547323392
I prepare by doing a lot of cleaning. Then we have a big yard sale! sweepmorey at gmail dot com
tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/mommysdizzy/status/201477729303019522
I love to clean house especially the stuff that accumulated over the winter.
hlee99 (at) gmail (dot) com
I have allergies so to prepare for spring I first buy lots of soft tissues!
eugeniewu at gmail dot com
I pack away the capri’s and my one pair of closed-toe shoes.
mybeachylife at gmail dot com
Open the windows and dust the house thoroughly!