When Sophia needed to wear a red t-shirt to school for “wear red” day….. I knew I was going to have to buy one or create one. I searched her closet and of course we had no red tees. I have no idea why but I really don’t buy red clothing all that much. Not for the girls or for myself. So, I’m using the doll stencil from the Cathie and Steve FolkArt stencils for the design. And…I’m using Fabric Editions fabric ink/paint.

For this t-shirt design, I’m using the doll stencil from the Cathie and Steve FolkArt Kids stencils. Begin by punching out your stencil details.

Tape your stencil into position.

Mix paints to create the skin tone you wish to paint your doll.

Dip your sponcer brush into the paint and tap off any excess paint. Paint the stencil design by tapping the sponcer brush over the top of the stencil.

Repeat the same steps while painting the dress. Remember son’t use to much paint.

Continue painting the dress area until the design is filled in.

Next, Stencil paint the hair.

Our stencils are designed with facial features. Look for the eyes and mouth on the stencil and cut them out for placement.

Place the face stencil in your desired position. Tape if you wish. Paint the eyes and mouth.

Find the flower stencil on the page and punch out.

Using a contrasting color, stencil paint a flower detail on the dress.

Using the round end of a paintbrush, dip the end into paint and paint dots and details around the neckline. Using the bristles, add highlights to the dress.

The stencil we used is available at Walmart.

Little Sophia loves her new doll tee!