How to Make Easy Wine Charms
Making wine charms is super easy with Podgeable shapes and Mod Podge. The glassy finish is Dimensional Magic! Watch How
CATHIE FILIAN's Handmade Happy Hour
Crafty Mom - Mess Maker - Content Creator
Making wine charms is super easy with Podgeable shapes and Mod Podge. The glassy finish is Dimensional Magic! Watch How
In this episode of Make it With Mod Podge, we are making 3 different handprint crafts. They are all family friendly
I must admit that I am an emoji texting, face booking, instagram junkie. So I knew that we needed to
Create an heirloom cookie plate for santa using your a kids handprint and dishwasher safe Mod Podge. See the full
I am officially obsessed with Collage Clay as Faux Snow. It is hands down the best way to achieve a
I can’t wait till the girls get to open each little box on this DIY Countdown to Christmas Calendar. We
It is easy as pie to alter a plain stocking with Mod Podge. Personalization is key for a custom stocking
DIY Holiday Gifts for Teachers: Altered Hand Sanitizer Create decorative hand sanitizers with just a little Mod Podge and
Here is an interview I did for Real Simple magazine. Dollar Saving Holiday Ideas: WRAPPING SUPPLIES Gift Tags: Recycled last
Create a Vintage Style Holiday Wreath Vintage holiday style and decorations are back in fashion this season for home décor.
This easy to make beauty kit includes brown sugar scrub, infused sea salts and a makeup brush roll made from
I love this time of the year! I feel like a busy kitchen elf, baking cookies, making sweet breads and
Craft A Kids Handprint Wreath Kids will love to create this holiday wreath and it will look welcoming and