It’s been over a month since I have blogged here…. when I last wrote, I was in the stage of “Let’s Pretend I’m 8.5 months Pregnant”. Well that ship has sailed and our lives have been blessed with a Baby Girl. Since she is in Foster Care, I will need to keep her identity under wraps. So no pics of her beautiful face…. just toes, fingers and hair.
She is healthy, happy, growing like a champ and a little miracle in our lives.
Here is how it all went down.
Eddie and I have been planning on fost/adopting for over a year. We took classes, did a home study, got our home certified, filled out hundreds of papers and tried not to freak out while we waited for the phone to ring.
Our plans to fost/adopt took a little longer than the other graduates from our class. Not that we think it’s a bad thing….. for us it’s all about timing and when the time is right… the time is right. We had a few snags a long the way. The first was when our 17-year old dog, Max, passed away on the day before we were to begin our home study. We were heartbroken. We postponed the meeting until our hearts had sometime to heal. The next derailment was when I was not so gracefully thrown 15 feet from a cab in NYC. Me with a giant black eye and a hobble was not exactly the picture of a “happy and healthy” home. Then we had my crash and burn sickness after our baby-moon in Mexico that had me in the hospital with an IV and in bed for 10 days. It seemed that every time we were inching closer to the finish line we were met with a set back. Well set back no more. We were officially certified a Fost/Adopt home on November 14th.
So far foster parenthood has been very rewarding and full of humor…. just the other day Eddie asked me, “Is that poop or chocolate that is on your boob?” I didn’t do a taste test.
Wish us luck on this journey! We had some court dates this week and I am hoping to find out what happened today at 3pm. Until then, we march on with Love, Giggles and POOP!
You can follow along on day-to-day stuff…. by following my personal page at Facebook. Sorry I can’t add anymore people there but you can follow. Instagram is another good place to see pics of our journey. I’ll be blogging big updates here and new craft projects at our new blog….. Handmade Happy Hour.
How wonderful! Congrats!!
Congratulations! I’ve been following you for years and this is the best thing you’ve done. I’m so excited for you and will pray daily all goes well. You will make great parents!
I was lucky enough to meet you and Eddie in person and see your beautiful home. Baby S is very lucky to be with both of you. I get tears in my eyes when I read your posts because they are so full of love. So very happy for you.
I really teared up, I am so happy for you guys, I can’t wait until Ms. S becomes your forever baby and we get to see photos of the little pumpkin! Happy New Year!
You are making me cry more than Steve!!! LOL Our hearts are bursting with love and thankfulness for you three. She is such a precious little thing and she must know how much you loved her even before you knew about her. The love was there and when they said “it’s a girl” your love ran over. Now that the holidays are over tell her her “Aunt Weezie” will be making something pretty for her bed and her baby dolls. Hopefully that will motivate me to have stuff done before she graduates kindergarten. We love you. We love little Miss S and cannot wait to meet her and love on her. And we are always available to babysit long distance, hehe.
Beautiful story- best to you and prayers on becoming S’s forever parents.
Wonderful news, congratulations.
It’s a bit belated but congrats on the speed of all of this! I wish you much luck over the coming months in making this a permanent change to all of your lives!
Thanks for sharing. This brought back so many great memories of when we adopted our oldest child. My first Thanksgiving as a mom was spent in a foreign country holding my new son, who was two months old. I remember it fondly every thanksgiving, as I know you will, too. That day is magical. Many congrats!
I followed a link from Pinterest about a Tshirt refashion, and ended up captivated and moved by your story. And what a beautiful little girl.
Thank you for sharing, and I hope for you, that she gets you as her parents permanently.
Congratulations!! I have friends who became fostparents to two girls (twins) because they cound’t have own children.
Me and my husband went trough IVF to became parents.
Did you try the “ordinary” way at first and then decided to become fostparents or was it a plan from start?
Exuse my bad english! I hope you can understand anyway!
Best regards,
Jannica from Sweden